
Hi. I'm Mathura - a creative technologist based in Bangalore. I work on projects that increase accessibility to education!

Currently, I run a non profit - Paper Crane Lab. We are based in Bangalore, India focussing on education. We work towards increasing access to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education for all ages by combining STEM concepts with art and creative projects.

You can read more about Paper Crane Lab here

I also teach!

Aside from working in the non profit, a large part of my practice involves teaching. Over the last few years I have taught in various undergraduate and graduate new media courses in various institutions.

  • Teaching a course called "Connections Lab" which is a full stack web development course where students design, critique and develop meaningful applications that are connected via the web

  • Taught a course called "Introduction to Interactive Media" that covers the basics of the technology used in the undergraduate program - p5.js and Arduino. Also taught "Connections Lab", full stack web development course where students design, critique and develop meaningful applications that are connected via the web

  • Teaching a course called "Connections Lab" which is a full stack web development course where students design, critique and develop meaningful applications that are connected via the web

  • Taught a 2 week intensive studio course where students worked with Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (PWIDD) to work on technology based interventions to improve their vocational training. We worked alongside a non-profit, Seva In Action.

Past Work